Thursday, November 8, 2012

Saturday Workout 11/3/2012

Today's run was tough for me. I really was not up to running. I had a busy couple of days leading up to this Saturday run. It started with me driving about 20 minutes to my dads. From there we drove about 35 minutes to a location up north of where we live. We were to run 13.2 miles down to his house through the hills.

When I woke up in the morning my tummy was not feeling great. I guess it just felt really full. So I tried to drink some coffe to help me empty my tummy. As a result I think I dehydrated myself. One we started our run, I was tired and my legs felt so sluggish. About 2 miles into the run, my left shoe felt very tight. It was starting to make my foot fall asleep. So we stopped and I adjusted it, and it felt better.

Then at about mile 4, my calves started to cramp up. I drank some water and had been taking some GU Chomps and it helped a little. We kept running on.

My dad does not like to drink water when he runs, I think he prides himself on it. But he will usually stash water jugs on the trail we will be running. He always like to stress "this water is for you Adam."

 Now me on the other hand, I like to run with water, especially on trail runs. I like to have everything that I need with me. It gives me comfort and the confidence to push hard knowing I have supplies. I have an old Camel Back M.U.L.E which has two good sized compartments and holds up to 3 liters. Usually when I run a long run I fill it up to 2 liters. I dont like stashing water bottles for a few reasons, but the main reason is that the water during the winter months freezes or is ice cold. Ice cold water makes my stomach cramp.

So even though my pack was still pretty full, I drank some of "my" water and we continued on.

This was all new teritory that I liked but, also I had no idea how far this run was. My dad said he thought it was about 12, then he said a friend of his thought it was 14-15 miles. When I am not quite sure of the distance that I am going to be running, I tend to conserve and run extra slow.

As we made our way to mile 10 the area started to look familiar. I had been up this road a couple of times a few years ago and knew that we were not far from the highway, which was to be our finish.

We finished and we had my stepmom pick us up. This was not my best training session and I hope that next week I can shave of some time and hopefully feel a lot better.

Total Distance: 13.2
Total Time: 2:35:26
Weight: 216
Runners: Dad and Myself

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