Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Walt Disney World Marathon - Race Recap

I am writing this as a first time Marathoner (25 mile race being my furthest way back in 2005), first time  RunDisney racer, first time at Walt Disney World visitor.

That being said I cover things from a different, new, or obvious perspective.


Since this was my fist time to Walt Disney World, I really didn't know what to expect. I have been to big races, but nothing as big as this one. 

We took the shuttle bus from our hotel, (Disney's Art of Animation) that took us directly to the ESPN Sports Complex, which was the location for the Expo. It was a pretty smooth process. (Note: If you stay at a Disney Resort, they provide shuttles to everywhere you need to be for the race. Expo, Start, ect. - however if you need to, you can take a taxi or shuttle to any resort and from there get a ride to a any park.)

In true Disney theme park fashion  the Expo was treated just like a line to get on a ride would be. I have  divided the Bib and actual expo into two subcategories because that how it was set up at the ESPN Sports Complex

Bib Pick up
You had to park strollers in a designated spot. From there you were ushered through a zig-zag line till you reached the entrance of the building. From there you were directed either left or right depending on the races you were running. After walking up stairs and around Chapion Stadum, we finally made it to the Bib pick up.

It was divided by numbers so you only had to wait in a fairly short line. (Example: 2000-3000) I am not sure if this is the way it always is, but this year the lower your number for Marathon, and Half-Marathon ment the faster expected time and lower corral placement. My number was 6111 and was predicted to finish under the 5:00:00 mark and was placed in corral D.

Once bibs were picked up, you had to make your way out of Chapion Staduium, and into another convention center type building. One draw back from the bib pick-up was the fact that when you recived your bib, you also got a bag check tag, and a temporary tattoo. But there was no bag to keep them all together. I am sure that there were some lost bag tags and temporaay tatoos that day.

If you are like some people you like to keep your bib in good shape and take pictures and tweet or post them on Facebook or Instagram. But for me carring our stroller, and baby and dipoer bag ect. I was forced to just stuff it in the bottom of our stoller. If we would of had a nice bag, I think it would of helped. (but I know it was mostlikey not practicla since we were about to get our goddie bags in the next building.)

Shirt and Vendor Expo
So once you walk up and out of Chapion stadium you have to figure out where to go next...But never fear just look for the long lines! So we got done with one line got into the next. This time this line was to take us into the vendor expo.
Photo from

The line was long, but it presented people with lots of photo opportunities  All things considered the line moved pretty quick, and in about 15 minutes were were inside.

From there we went strait to the shirt and goodie bag pick up. It was a very quick process. After looking around the Expo and debating on what I should buy, we headed back to the room to rest our feet. (Prepare for a lot of walking around/standing the days leading up to your race)

Transportation on Race Day
It was an early 3:30 AM wake up call for me. I had already been up twice this week for my wife's 5K and my mother-in-laws half marathon (Both did amazing by the way!) So I was used to the rutine.

What was differnt for me this time was the fact that I was no longer staying at the Dinseny Art of Animmation resort, we had moved to our condo which was our original intention, but we could not get in till the day of the half-marathon.

Disney resort transportation vs. Bonnet Creek Resort transportation
Both did a great job in getting us to the races. There were longer lines when we stayed at Disney compared to Bonnet Creek. However the rides were free at Disney, and were $5.00 for each person at Bonnet Creek. When we rode on the disney bus we had to enter where all the Disney buses enter, but with Bonnet Creek the driver took us in from a differnt side and cut off about 30 minutes of waiting in bumper to bumper traffic.

All in all race day transportation is good no matter which route you take. (NOTE: If you are hoping to ride with your runner to the start of the race, and then leave and come back for the finish, you need to know that Disney closes the roads very shortly after the busses arrive. In our case for the Half-Marathon, we were just able hang out at Magic Kingdom and wait for Mom-Leeder to make it to mile four. Which is an easy place to get to and watch runners.)

Pre race activities
There was a DJ playing music, there were tons of port-o-potties and even some Army Men from Toy Story to take picutres with.

It wasnt long from when we arrived that they started calling for people to make there way to the corrals. Being that it is a 15 minitue-ish walk from the the finish line.

The overall atmosphere at the start of the race was one of excitement and energy. For me being a first-timer to this event, I felt a little nervous about getting lost, but all of that was done away with as soon as I passed the "Runners Only Section".

This was a pretty crazy experience  After passing the runners only tent/sign, we passed to another area that had water and a lot more port-o-potties. It was nice to get some start line water.

From here we made our way over to the actually corrals. From what I remember it was about a 10 minute walk, but this part of the race was when I was the most nervous  so I may of walked fast or just focused on my race day plan and not really paid attention to the walk.

I do remember it being dark, and lit up by generator powered lights. I also remember seeing the fairy godmother. She was wishing people good luck and posing for pictures.

We made it to an intersection and the runners were divided. A-D ???were sent in one direction E-G were sent in another direction.

It wasn't long till we arrived at a mass of people. I had to work my way past quite a few people who were standing around outside of the actual corrals. I finally made my way back corral D. It was nice to see volunteers checking bibs to make sure people were in the right corrals. 

Once tucked into my little corner, I felt peaceful. All I had to do now was wait for the start.

But what do I do if I have to go to the restroom once I am in the corrals? Well if you are like the many thousands, you jump the plastic fence and run down the grass hill and go potty. At first I wasn't sure how the race officials would treat this, but apparently it was accepted. So much so that all they way up close to the start line someone had pulled the fence down on purpose and was holding it down for people to go potty behind a parked bus.

Start line
It was time, the National Anthem was sung, Mickey and the gang counted us down, the fireworks went off and Corral A was off and on their way. Then all the corrals moved up to place were corral was. And the same process repeated for each corral.

It was really exciting to see and hear the announcement for our corral to move into place and then to hear Mickey count us down. 3, 2, 1 GO!

We were off! Running in very early morning! Running in almost darkness, what a surreal and savage feeling. Everyone trying to conquer the same 26.2 miles.

Mile markers and Memorable miles
aid stations/medical

The first mile was a welcomed sight, It came fast as I was mostly trying to get into a rhythm  Miles 2-5 were very surreal, it was dark, and humid... So humid, I couldn't believe how much I was sweating already. I was really worried.

For the first 5 miles this race, at least to me seemed like any other race. Even running through the entrance to the Magic Kingdom, although nice didn't do much for me. Maybe it was the fact that I was running my first Marathon, or maybe it was the fact that I had to wake up at 3:00AM, with no coffee or maybe I was just in the zone.

 The school band at about mile 2-3 was cool to see, and help me to further anticipate what lay in store for us. But like I said I was in "check" mode. Making sure my shoes were good, my clothes were good, making sure my stride was on pace.

Running past the Contemporary Hotel, was nice becasue I had recognized it from riding the monorail to the Magic Kingdom for my mother-in-law's half-marathon. It helped me to put things into perspective of where I was on the map that I had stared at for months!

I new from the half-marathon that my wife could easily see me at mile 4, sure enough as I felt like I was getting close to the same spot, I called her. This was fun to be running a marathon, and to tell her that in just a few minutes i would be able to see her.

Mile 4 

From there  I turned the corner and knew that in just a few seconds I would be running down Main Street USA, through tommorow land, fantasy land and out frontier land.

I knew it was gong to be crowded, and it was. I knew there was going to be lots of people cheering us on, and there were. But what I didnt expect was the feeling of adrenaline that my body would feel knowing that I was running through Magic Kingdom! Having never been there, everything was new and I found myself looking like our 5 month old, my eyes were all over the place! I was looking at the people, the stores, the castle, the rides, ect. I was pumped!

Just as I made the turn in and through Cinderella Castle, I was right with the 5:00:00 (Five Hour) pacer. I was running so carefree that I didn't even realize that my picture was being taken.
I have a look of genuine excitement mixed with unbelief.

Mile 8 - I got an unexpected surprise! MY WIFE AND BABY!! It really didnt dawn on me until the day after the race, that miles 4 and 8 are pretty close together. (Mile 4 is at the transportation hub and mile 8 is right around the Polynesian Resort. )

I had no idea Samantha and Nathan would be waiting for me at mile 8. All I could think about was "who ever supplied these cones is making a killing...maybe I should go into the cone business."

Between Miles 8 and 9 was the Disney Speed Way. For a NASCAR fan like myself that was awesome! Before I knew it I was running down the tunnel  under the track and popping out on the Speedway itself. There were many classic cars and even Lightning McQueen, TowMater and Flin McMissel were there. This track is huge! The race course covered about 3/4 of the track.
WDW Speedway
Finish Line...well sort of
Mile 13 - I was feeling great, I was just about to enter another park. I received a text that this time Samantha was somewhere near mile 13. So as soon as we passed the entrance into Disney's Animal Kingdom, I started to see lots of people lined up behind metal fences. I began to scan the crowd as I ran. Then sure enough I found her.

One sweet moment we shared was when I asked her where she would be next. And she replied "the finish line". I said great and I was off. As I was turning away, a fellow runner said to me, "well that should make it easier to make it to the finish." I looked at him and smiled and said "it sure will!"

Still feeling good
The next notable miles were the miles 17-19 up to the ESPN Sports Complex. I dont remember too much about how I got to these miles, but I do remember the temperature starting to climb into the upper 70's and a long hill.

This hill was the road that led up to the entrance to the ESPN Complex. Once inside the sports complex, I was a little relived to see that the aid station had sponges. It felt nice to have a cold sponge on me. It allowed me the chance to wipe my face and cool my neck. For me I had been sweating pretty much for the whole race so the sweat from my hat was constantly dripping semi cool water on my neck.

There was not a whole lot to see during this part for me. It personally was my least favorie part of the whole run. I blame it on the fact the the heat was getting to me, we had to run up a hill, (with runners come down the same hill, two way traffic style) and the fields were empty for the most part.

I really can't complain, it was a better than running on highways. But if I could of offered some suggestions, it would be to have had bands on the fields, or something to occupy the empty space.

I guess for some runners it would be fun to run though something like this, but I could really feel that we were zig-zagging back and forth, and I was not up for that at all. (but like I say that is just my preference)


However it was not all bad, I did enjoy running through Champion Stadium. It was fun to turn the corner and be inside the stadium, running on the warning track. Seeing fans in the seats cherring me on by name was pretty cool too. It would be cool if Disney would of saved the footage from the Jumbotron and added it to the photo packages. But none the less I'm sure it was pretty cool for the family members seeing their runners on the big screens.


Mile 20 - Well after we left Champion Stadium we headed out and down the same road to the "Mile 20 Spectacular". This was a quarter mile section was filled with large charters. Each character was maned by a person. These characters were not the normal person in a suit. They were large pupit style.

It was pretty neat, and I'm sure if you were looking for a photo opportunity it was a perfect time. another great part of the Mile 20 Spectacular was having Micky, Minie and Goofy as well as a "finish line" type of arch with the marathon medal.

Mile 20!
Hollywood Studios
It was nice to finally make it to Disney's Hollywood Studios. After lots of roads and the ESPN Complex I was ready for the next park. Each time I ran though a park it was a huge mental boost. I was fueled with energy. In my mind it was almost like I was that much closer to the finish.

However this park seemed to fly by. I had never been to this park so I had no idea where I was. One moment I was running in the "back lot" then I was running through the "tunnel" where I could see the costumes artists. (This was a blessing and a curse! I was so excited to get into this "tunnel" because it was the first shade shade in a long time, but then my exhausted brain got to thinking, what if this tunnel causes my GPS watch to lose the satellite signal. Instantly I panicked and picked up my pace and got out of there.)

From there we left Hollywood studios and heading on to Epoct. But not before we ran along a river that was an evil tempter. Yes it was really hot by this time and there seemed to not be an water station for miles! Oh the temptation to jump in and gulp up lots water.

Running and running, wishing and wishing, finally I could see the Space Ship Earth, It was there, it was close, but not that close. I still had to run around the lake at Epcot. At this point my running was really labored. I can remember just thinking, save some energy for the big finish. 

A part of me wanted to run, but another part of me knew that there would be family and photographers at the finish line and I wanted to look good as I finished. By this time the heat was really getting to me and I was just ready to be done. I have zero recollection from what Epcot looked like, except for a few spots where I looked at spectators.

One last turn and there it was, the Hallelujah Choir, and directly across from them was the 26 mile marker. Was I dreaming? No! Its real and I am almost done! I made one little half turn and I could see the metal fence and .2 miles away was the finish line.

 As I ran I keep looking hard to see if I could see Samantha. I knew that if I missed her she would be so bummed out. Especially after following me to all the other areas. I looked and looked but couldn't find her. At last there she was, about 100 yards from the finish line. What a joy and excitement it was to finally see her. last time I saw her was at mile 13.

Finish line

I made my way to the finish line and look was there, it was Goofy. I gave him a high five as I crossed and made my way down to where they were passing out the medals.

Just as I was passing by Joey Fatone was getting his medal and talking to some Disney folks.

I made my way further down and picked up a bag, and filled it with Poweraide and waters. A litter further down the volunteers were handing out a box that was filled with snacks.

I hung out for just a minute near a corner, called Samantha and told her where to meet me.

Once we found each other we made our way over to another corner and just sat and talked. I was tired, but I was so happy to be done. My first marathon! Completed! And not to mention I had my wife and newborn with me!

Life is good!

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